AVENUE 67 is a challenge of three women. Three brave entrepreneurs who share the same passion for fashion. This common point has created the brand AVENUE 67, characterised by the style and elegance of the inimitable Made in Italy. Although AVENUE 67 is a recent brand, born at the end of 2013, in few years it has entered in the sales channel of prestigious boutiques and important Italian STORES thanks to Laura Bartoli, Liala Fiorini and Lucia Medici’s great entrepreneurial will. Also, in the last years AVENUE 67 has expanded its business mentalities, broadening the market internationally, with important requests from Korea, Japan and with broad consensus from the asiatic market.



Our brand can be found in the finest best-shops of Italy, in more than 200 stores. To discover the closest to you contact us at the number +39 342 901 6297 or send us an email at info@avenue67.it.